Saturday, April 19, 2008

a thought about global warming

an illustration of what is today the way global warming occurs and this incite i would attribute to a blog viewer of mine Poonam sethi,for a link to the site,

the fact is that we make instruments that accelerate the global warming phenomenon ,factories and others which in turn relay to the fact that we do cause global warming and we are burning the planet in endless flames of poison
i do think my project will try to illustrate this in relation to plants and the planet

Monday, April 14, 2008

global warming

a poster that illustrates global warming, Global warm as a subject has many various sub-topics,more often than not it concerns the climate and it's effect on the environment so it is fitting that i as a student of it try to elaborate this through the environment that is affected

i would like to show the cause and outcome of this epidemic in the poster to be created also to show that we have a choice in the outcome set at hand

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


the fruit basket is a picture taken off the net and made into a symbol and the table was constructed with the table tool on illustrator,the numbers were made using the text/type tool also visible are the sparkles which were made using the flare tool and all these were grouped to attain the showing calender


This image seen here was made in the context of the presumed festival of harvest,which normally take place after the last rains of the summer seasons when the people go out to their respective wards/villages to present their harvest to their headman,village leader or KING.
the festival is all about food of the earth to give thanks for whatever the gods have given to the people.
The festival takes a whole two to three weeks to prepare and enjoy thus it normally comes at the beginning of march till the end of the month.
the festival is all about food sharing

Sunday, April 6, 2008


i used the spiral tool to construct the snail shaped figures on the background and used to symobls of weather and nature to make the calender background so to get more accuracy on the art aspect of my sketch